answer to


answer to 的定义

  1. Explain or justify something to someone, as in If Mary doesn't help us finish this project, she'll have to answer to the boss. This expression was at first used mainly for replying to legal charges. [c. a.d. 950]

answer to 近义词

v. 动词 verb

be responsible to

answer to 的近义词 3
answer to 的反义词 1

更多answer to例句

  1. We need to recover and grow the idea that the proper answer to bad speech is more and better speech.
  2. Take the chief metric of the war in Vietnam—body counts, which ultimately did not answer whether the strategy was working.
  3. This reporter knocked at the Wilkins home on Tuesday morning but received neither an answer nor the business end of a shotgun.
  4. They already know the answer, but they know by feigning ignorance they can create all this debate about it.
  5. What 15 months in a federal correction institution will be like, according to a man who counsels to-be inmates.
  6. Each day she resolved, "To-morrow I will tell Felipe;" and when to-morrow came, she put it off again.
  7. All the operations of her brain related themselves somehow to to-morrow afternoon.
  8. The Goliath wouldn't answer; the Dublin said the force was coming off, and we could not get into touch with the soldiers at all.
  9. "Buy something for your wife that-is-to-be," he said to his grand-nephew, as he handed him the folded paper.
  10. Something remote and ancient stirred in her, something that was not of herself To-day, something half primitive, half barbaric.